Tag Archives: dogs

Essay. Doorknobs, Lamps and Love.

I wrote as a child. I started writing again after the head injury that ended my medical career. This post is because my son is turning 21. For Joseph, 21 means turning 3 for the 18th time, although he does … Continue reading

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Essay. Same Park. Different Dog.

I drove to a nearby park and opened the back of the van. I watched my dog smelling the former country estate and current children’s farm, his nostrils flaring impossibly wide. He sat in his crate, stamping his feet with … Continue reading

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Essay. Living Kindness.

Many of us have heard the saying “Practice random acts of kindness.” Today I saw a poster that stated true kindness is a lifestyle, not the occasional act. I believe that is true, and I know that no one knows … Continue reading

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Essay. Angels.

It is December. For many, that means there is Christmas music everywhere with lyrics about angels singing and peace on earth, good will among mankind. Some people believe there are actual angels, God’s intermediaries with us (from the Greek angelos, … Continue reading

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Essay. Lily.

For almost all of her life, Lily could have been the sister of a canine Dorian Grey. She matured and hit years where her personality, her energy, her athleticism was simply without change. We had her one knee repaired when … Continue reading

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Essay. Bearably unbearable. A Day with Lily.

On Star Trek, a blind woman represented an alien ambassador who traveled in a box because humans who saw him went insane. When pushed about such a companion, she asked, Is it because he is too ugly? Or too beautiful? … Continue reading

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Essay. A New Leaf.

When my brothers and I were young, our grandmother would occasionally tell us we needed to turn over a new leaf. It was her way of saying we needed to stop whatever bad thing we were doing and find something … Continue reading

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Essay. An Afternoon Through Teddy’s Eyes.

This is the anniversary of a freak Spring blizzard, when over two feet of lovely white stuff suddenly covered the yard and buried shrubs. It started as a gift day, a Monday where no one went to work. I enjoyed … Continue reading

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Essay. A Morning at Sudden Pond.

Although we still have more than two feet of snow cover, Spring is coming to New England. I found the evidence that Spring always comes, regardless of the length or depth of Winter, in an essay written five years ago…. … Continue reading

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Essay. Lily in December.

Six years ago the Earth paused for a fraction of a second before picking up its rotation: my dog Lily died. That morning, I woke to blood around the bedroom, some of it so abundant it had mounded on the … Continue reading

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